Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vitamin B6

  Wow. Wah. Hooooo(in a relaxed way). This is literally how i feel right now. Is this what people call euphoria? I have no idea what the word means but right now, all i know is that i feel great. I feel great!!!! What else can i say about me feeling great? It's just really...great? Superbly great. Extremely great. Wonderful.

  I'm currently trying to not get down from this high, if you can call this "high", while attempting to detect the source of me feeling like this out of the blue. Out of the blue? OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE. LITERALLY. LIKE OUT OF THE BLUE, I FIND MYSELF OUT OF THE BLUES. WOW. WHAT IS THIS MAGIC. SORCERY. WIZARDRY. WOOOOOOHOOOOO!

  Okay, so why am i feeling like this? Maybe because i just finished this series i've been watching since CNY started, or was it before? No idea, but wow. It's an amazing series, with really talented actors, actresses and scriptwriters and music selectors and directors all that jizz. To be completely honest, i didn't think much of the series when my mom bought it at a local store. The DVD cover didn't appealed to me at all, and neither did the main actor and actress so naturally, i just looked past it. I never even gave it a second glance the moment we brought it home and left it on the TV counter until a friend of mine recommended this series she was watching to me and i thought the name of it sounded extremely familiar and what do you know, i have it right here with me. And so, i started watching and getting horribly addicted(like i always do) to a Korean drama called "It's Okay, That's Love." What differed this series from all the lovey-dovey crap every teenager has watched because everybody else was watching it is that, this series clearly isn't for teenagers below the age of 18 or whatever legal age for sex. It had a shit ton of sexual content, not in a visual sense but more in a conversational sense. Like, the characters are constantly talking about sex. And when they aren't, they're on kissing mode and although that's as far as it goes, lip contact or whatever contact shared between two hormonal, single adults of the opposite sex will always leave an impression, be it positive or negative, in children's mind.

  But i liked it. I'm like 18 this year so whatever. I thought the series was very much appropriate for any kind of audience(definitely not kids though) as long as they know self-control and just, common sense on what to do and what not to do, i guess? So, it's a drama that centers itself around a psychiatrist and her life with her two other roommates and her mom and her handicapped dad and a future boyfriend-but-husband-to-be who turns out to be more troubled by his own mind than his violent, abusive and very misguided older brother. Yeah, so it's complicated, but just complicated enough to get people to want to continue watching it or stop watching stupid series like High Kick 4 or whatever to watch this one.

  Furthermore, i absolutely love this series because 1)Adult humor 2)Un-cliched lines 3)THE FUCKING MUSIC. Oh my goodness, i've always been a little obsessive and crazy when it comes the OST's of K-Dramas but this one really just takes the cake. I'm not sure if it's only because it's the most recent good series i've watched but jesus, the songs they play are no joke. A nice mixture of English and Korean songs can be heard throughout the series and i love how they put in English songs because in my opinion, it has made the series much more relatable and emotional. Relatable because like hello, not everyone who watches it are Korean and emotional because since the lyrics can be easily understood by all races, it means absolutely everyone can feel what the director or scriptwriters or whatever wanted us to feel. Like, the message was clearly sent. Crystal-clearly sent. Beautiful, beautiful job. Skora for you, directors and people who selected the music.

  Although the series itself is very dark, one of the darkest i've ever come across honestly, the mood of the whole thing just gets lifted up by the wonderful songs that are being played. The series was very well-balanced and i think we've got the music to thank for. The songs aren't exactly happy or joyful, they're more uplifting than anything. So, it didn't matter if it was a scene where the stepdad was beating the shit out of the two brothers or where the younger brother was being physically abused by the stepdad then the older brother, in that order, i just felt really peaceful watching it with one of the songs playing in the background. Yes, i felt sad. Yes, i might have cried. But it was a different kind of sadness. Like, there's the heartbreaking, gut-wrenching sadness that is further intensified by the ballad music with the singer's voice being all emotional and "in-the-zone" that makes you want to cuss out and cry your tear ducts dry and then, there's this. The peaceful, understandable kind of sadness.

  The most memorable song of the series would be "Hero" by Family of the Year with lyrics that go, "Let me go, I don't want to be your hero." I lost track of how many times i lost myself when a scene that was well-suited for the song came up. It's just ugh, amazing. I don't know. Surreal. The whole thing felt so surreal for me, especially with the song. Yeah, so. Great series. Great music. They make me so goddamn happy despite the actual situation it was meant for.

  Another reason why i might be feeling so happy right now could be because of this...vitamin i've been taking since yesterday. I haven't been sleeping well like i said, so my grandma took me to this pharmacist who prescribed me with these Vitamin B6 tablets. It's supposed to make me sleep better and i can't say that it worked splendidly but at least it got its job done. I looked up the vitamin online too and guess what? It plays a big part in the mentally-disturbed side of the human race. People with depression, anxiety and insomnia have been known to take this supplement because apparently it helps with some neurotransmitter thing in our brain and does a lot of good stuff to mood and stuff. So, i was literally jumping with joy yelling "hell yaaas" when i discovered all this. I've had high hopes for it since the beginning and now that i'm feeling very good, i'd like to think that it worked.

  I had this weird, sudden moment of relief and peace and joy when i finished the drama and again, i'm not sure if it was just the drama, but point being i feel good. I feel okay. And this is really just great. And so rare. It's really just great. I even feel sleepy. I might just go and sleep. Sighhhhhhhhhhh(in a good way, in the best way possible). I feel good. It feels good to feel good again.

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