Tuesday, February 24, 2015


  So today's the seventh day of the Chinese New Year and there's this tradition where we gotta eat like seven, or is it five, different types of vege mixed into something called "Lui Cha" or however it's spelled. Yeah so we ate it, blahblah, my brother went to school, my mom went to work and i stayed home because i had no school and thank God for that because i've been under the weather for quite a while now. It started on the fourth day of CNY. I woke up with a sore throat but immediately found it weird because it wasn't the type of pain that was excruciating and extreme, which is what my "sore throat" usually felt like. Instead of excruciating pain, my throat just felt sore. Like really, really sore. But not painful sore. Just sore. Does that even make sense? Anyway, it made me feel a little irritated talking so i cut down on the orals and decided to just watch tv instead.

  At night, i had this horribly awkward party i had to attend, which i did. It was awkward as fucking hell because i had but only one friend whom i could talk to and was counting on to show up to make everything more bearable but of course she didn't. The little bitch bailed at the very last minute. It was horrible as flipping shit because not only was i the one friend who didn't know everyone else because we weren't from the same school, heck, we didn't even speak in the same language, but the moron of a host had also conveniently forgotten to inform me that it was a BBQ dinner party i'd be attending, held outside of her house, in her AC-less and fan-less car porch. So there i was, pulling up to her driveway, dressed in a rather thick button-down with a sore throat that was itching to be noticed, seeing all this smoke released from the burning charcoal, and praying to God to make the night less terrible than it already seemed to be. But God was probably in one of his moods that night because as soon as my car came to a stop right in front of her house and i did a little friendly it's-been-five-years-since-we-saw-each-other-but-glad-to-be-here-buddy wave to have nobody wave back, including the stupid ass host, i knew shit was gonna go down. And i was going down with it.

  And down i went. With shit on my back, and my face as i stuffed the remaining broccoli(it was the only edible thing with a sore throat) i had on my plate into my mouth, and finished my third packet of green tea. I proceeded to leaning back into my chair and politely smiling/laughing/nodding/throat-clearing at whatever conversation that was going on. Don't get me wrong, i knew and understood perfectly what they were talking about, but did not have a slightest clue on whoever "Zhang Mao Xian" or "Huang Something" was. I speak the language, educate myself with sufficient amount of their culture in the entertainment industry. I enjoy the heck out of them too but these people who i was sharing a dinner table with jumped from one "red person" to another like ants in a boiling soup. And if they weren't talking about wannabe-celebs(who they worship btw), they were laughing about the latest gossips or jokes circulating the school and i bet they were real funny too if I ACTUALLY WENT TO THEIR STUPID SCHOOL AND KNEW WHO BRIAN OR LEE JING WAS. There was no way i could know whatever hell they were gabbing about and honestly there wasn't any part of me that even wanted to. Not even in the slightest. Stupid, inconsiderate, hostile people.

  It went pretty well though. I made a few friends myself that night. Two girls of the age of 13 and 12 and an 8 year old little boy. Kids are all annoying, so naturally they were too. They also didn't speak English, like at all. I hope i managed to raise awareness in them on how important the language is. I liked them plenty though, because they kept fighting with one another for my undivided attention. Aha-ha, kids. So after that ordeal, i got back home and watched AHS: Coven. Halfway through, i felt like i might have a fever so i took a pill, turned the lights out and went to bed. But sleep did not come that night. Or the morning after. Or in the afternoon. It was even worse at night because the snores that came from my grandma kept me up and frustrated all night. This little stayed-awake-no-matter-how-tired-or-how-much-i-begged-God-to-let-me-fall-asleep fiesta went on for a few nights. My fever went down, my pharyngitis stopped being so...present but i was all out of energy. My headache never ceased to remind me that within all that air i had inside my head, there too, lied a brain. Surprise, surprise.

  So with my head constantly feeling like exploding land mines on a roll, there was little i could do other than pretending to sleep. I couldn't read, watch my series or do anything really. It sucked and it still does. I fucking need to sleep. Do you have any idea how crazy i feel for losing 3 days of sleep? I always feel like i'm on the verge of falling asleep, like as soon as i shut my eyes, i'd be immediately shipped off to dreamland but when i do, it's another firework fiesta. And sleep is the last thing i get. I try so hard, but get so little.


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