Saturday, February 14, 2015


  So, Amber's solo debut happened. I was extremely pumped for it, like finally, we could hear more of her voice! And see how far she'd go with her talent and androgynous looks. Well, it's been approximately 52 hours since the music video of "Shake That Brass" was released, along with her second title track "Beautiful". 48 hours since she had her solo debut on real-life stage on KBS2. After much rethinking and reconsideration towards her album, i've come to a conclusion that i don't hate it. Honestly, when i first heard it, i wasn't all that thrilled about it. I don't think i liked a single song on the mini album, but then i listened to it again, and again and again like i did with f(x) and walah-- turns out they aren't that bad. I'm a little disappointed that they didn't appeal to me immediately but most things don't. Plus, the Kpop genre really isn't my jig and i'm only involved because i love f(x) so yeah. Okay, so i'm gonna list out the songs from the mini album and my thoughts about them while listening to Spotify play them.

1. Shake That Brass ft. TaeYeon/Wendy
- The music video that was made for this track was less than appealing to me, very much like the choreography to the song. It wasn't all that special for a party song and a featured artist was quite unnecessary, much like the music video to it. Although it was supposed to be this huge thing, a sensation because of the popular artists that were seen in the MV from all these different Kpop companies, i really doubt that it was. I'm pretty sure a lot of people think so too. I thought they could've used a much cooler(idk) or more energetic choreo. As for the music part, i guess it's one of those songs you hear on the radio one afternoon but forget it the minute you get home. Unless it's being played over twenty times a day then maybe. Just maybe.

2. Beautiful
- Hmm, this song is a tough one. One, because it has a meaning to it, but that doesn't make it the "greatest song ever". Two, the whole song consists of an acoustic guitar and Amber's voice. Amber explained that she had this song for over three years and it was special to her. With me not understanding a single phrase in Korean, of course i got annoyed at the fact that i can't judge the song from a perspective that was closest to hers. Meanings are usually lost during translation and that's the only thing i hate about being a Kpop fan, other than having to associate myself with those immature, stupid nuisance. So yeah, i was only able to understand the song after checking out the Mandarin translation, which i thought was a pretty solid cross-over from K to M. Overall, it's an okay song. I absolutely love the guitar picking at the beginning of the song but that went away too soon. Again, it's not a bad song, it's just that it lacks uniqueness. And attraction. It's an extremely bland song. Yes, bland songs can be good too, but this is just, B-L-A-N-D. Like, the music is fine and so are the lyrics but that's it. It doesn't make you wanna rape the replay button and the only reason i'd do that is because i want to hear Amber's voice. Can't say i'm super fond of her voice either, but i do like listening to it over and over again to get her vocal range and limits right. Yeah, i love doing that. Umm, as for the lyrics to the song, it's not bad. By that i mean i don't cringe at the parts i don't understand and totally cringe at the parts that i do. She's just not the best with English lyrics i guess. If only i understood Korean. Damn it. But if i hadn't understood any of them, i guess it's alright. Her voice... it can get a little airy at parts, and not the nice type of airy too. I think she hasn't gotten sufficient amount of vocal training. Like, i can tell she has a shitload of talent but she needs to be taught how to be better. She's gotta sharpen the edges. I'm aware that some people find it offensive for others to tell certain artists that they have to brush up or whatnot because "they have their own style ok just let them be themselves" but i'm sorry, amber has no style when she sings. No style or her own thing or whatever. Maybe she does have it when she raps but definitely not when she starts singing, not that her singing voice sucks, it just lacks that one thing that gets people to be like 'whoaaa' because she sings like how everybody else in my family sings, normally. Idk.

3. I Just Wanna ft. Eric Nam
- So this is supposedly the original version written and composed by Amber before it was changed into the Korean version in "Pink Tape". The music part sounds exactly the same as the Korean one featuring Luna, Krystal, D.O and Amber as the rapper but that's not the point here. The main point here being the English lyrics and Amber's vocal range. Let's talk about the lyrics first. Maybe it's because i heard the Korean one before it and have developed a bond with the song. Maybe it's the whole song, the music that wasn't the right fit for a song with English lyrics because we all know how one word has multiple syllables so that tends to mess up the smooth flow of the song. All in all, i can't really stand listening to the song and understanding what it meant. Firstly, the lyrics are corny as hell. And typical too. And that's just something i try my best to avoid but it seems like it's Amber's cup of tea. Of course, the Korean and hardcore international fans are going insane, losing their shit over hearing the English version of the song but i for one, can't seem to find any of the lyrics worth my time. I love the music, but the lyrics just didn't sound right. At all. To me. And the fact that i keep making a face that makes people wonder if i stepped on poo for about three times while the song plays on because Amber Josephine Fucking Liu sang "baby boy". I don't care if i'm overreacting, it's just kind of hard not to shiver or cringe whenever i hear her sing "baby boy". I mean, it's Amber Liu, not that there was anything wrong with her saying that but it's just a little interesting to hear it coming from her. So yes, i cringed a few times. On to the part about her vocals! Oh yes, her vocals. It was really good. Great, even. This is the only song i've heard from her that clearly show-casts her rather wide vocal range. We all know from her other songs that she's able to sound low as heck but this song right here, the English version to "Goodbye Summer" has made people hear and get that Amber is a good singer. She has hit a note which i have doubts about Krystal being able to. Like, she might even be on Luna's level. And this song made me realize that. I was astounded and amazed at how flawless her high note sounded. It wasn't pitchy or airy, it was strong and was about the only thing that saved me from deleting the song off my device. Don't get me wrong, i love the music but sometimes the lyrics have just got to go. And it hurts me to say this because it was solely written by Amber. It's not that i want to diss on her lyric-writing skill, maybe she's new to this, i don't know, but i just don't think the English lyrics to this song, or album, was good. At all. I'm really sorry to say this. Eric sounded really good though, on par with Amber's vocals here.

  As for the two other songs on the album, they were pop-y and i haven't listened to them as much as i did to the ones i've mentioned above so i can't give an accurate opinion. There's one thing i can say about them though, they sound good to me. I like them. Yeah. So, this album is a really big thing. I hope it sells well and that her fans would buy it and blow it off the charts. Amber deserves her golden moment, and this is probably it. So please God, give it to her a'ight? I mean, she wrote and composed most of the songs so even if she isn't great with lyrics, her composing has got to be something.

  And that's all i have to say about Amber's solo debut mini album "Beautiful". The meaning is there, all the good vibes are there too, and this just further proves that she's a wonderful idol and role model. Maybe even the best. Peace. AMBER FIGHTING!!!!!!!!

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