Monday, February 2, 2015

We Are The Champions

  Let me just start off by saying that this is an amazing song. To me, it's a masterpiece because it has the ability to be emotional on so many different levels. Feeling like shit because you're thirty and haven't achieved a single thing in life? Listen to the song. On the way home from a tournament you've fought so hard to win and which you did? Listen to the song. Alone in your room thinking back to the moment you let the number one spot slip through your finger because of a silly mistake? Listen to the song. Basically, the song is good for many situations, whether it be positive or negative and therefore, making it one hell of an addition to your playlist. I've only realized this today though, but now that i have i think i'll be feeling less alone the next time one of my daily breakdowns get to me. So yeah, its a really great thing, sort of like the highlight of my day but only because i refuse to think about the ones that might bring me down. I searched the song up on youtube and apparently, Mayday Parade has a cover of the song on the Punk Goes Classic Rock album. I gotta admit, it's a pretty solid cover, but to compare it to the original by Queen, well it would be quite a hollow comparison because they are a world apart. I don't listen, have never listened to Queen before but "We Are The Champions" definitely puts them on top of my playlist because the song really deserves nothing less. It's a beautiful song. A beautiful song to a beautiful life.

  Although there is so much pain and so much sorrow, it doesn't qualify enough to take away the beauty that comes with life. Life is something beautiful, yet tragic at the same time. Life is tragically beautiful. And no matter how much i want to kill myself, i really like life. I could even love life if i had more talent because i feel like it's the only way i can earn my stay on earth. I want to contribute, i want to make a difference hoping that maybe, just maybe, i'd finally feel like i deserve to be here, like i'd have the right to call this place my home. But i don't think i'm talented. Unless you call the ability to hear voices in my head, believing those voices and then letting them take over my life a talent, then yes, i think i am very talented. If that was the case, i would've dominated the field of talents the day i realize i was not going to like the person i'm made out to be.

  It just feel like everyone has a path or something set out in front of them and they're going to see it through, and i'm just here wallowing and whining and crying about how incompetent and confused and lost i am. Why have they gotten it figured out when i can't seem to come to terms with mine? My whole life is a mountain of confusion and what happens when i reach the top? Do all the confusion disappear and are replaced by clarity? I wish i had moments of clarity. I'm too bloody impulsive and being confused about everything and nothing really isn't much of a helping hand at all. So, higher power, if you're really there, please pick up your golden shovel and start clearing whatever that's blocking me from seeing my true path. But you're not gonna do it, are you? Because everybody knows that that's my job. But hello, although you were generous enough to bestow me with a shovel, i have yet to have confirmation on which path i should start cleaning up on. A SHOVEL DOESN'T HELP ME DECIDE WHICH DOORWAY TO CLEAN!!!!

  But i really do love you, God. I can't say i believe much of what the Bible or the Old Testament or the New Testament say because they were all written by man for man and i have very little faith on the human race. But i do believe in you and what your faith teaches. I have faith in living a good life and doing the good that sometimes are deemed satanic or sinful the eyes of the religion but sometimes they can be wrong and judgmental and offensive but yeah, i don't want to hurt anybody, i just want to be good. And i choose to believe what i think to be right. Let's hope i'm not wrong, eh?

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