Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Perks of Being A Fan of The Perks of Being A Wallflower

5 January 2014

Dear friend,

  I am dedicating this blog update to The Perks of Being A Wallflower, both the movie and book. Therefore, I am trying my best to write in a way that is somewhat similar to Perks, the original book version of course. I would not say i have fallen head over heels for the 'franchise', but it has enlighten some darker parts of my life. I will talk a little about the book first just to make things a little clearer to you, my dearest friend. I hope from the bottom of my heart that by the end this blog update you will understand the message I am trying to send you and that you would continue being supportive of me like you did before despise what people might say about people like me. Perks is an interesting book that should be made into one of those English Lit book that they make us read at school even though it would be much less appropriate but I really believe that the book is able to teach many things to students, maybe even to people like me. It talks about the life of a wallflower. I didn't understand the term 'wallflower' before so i asked my mom the other day about it and she said to me, "A wallflower is someone who stands or hangs around by the wall when a social activity like a dance is happening." It was a literal way of explaining but I think I know what the word means now. It's someone who isn't good with crowds or with anyone actually so they end up by the wall alone or alone with other people who are also alone. The persona in the book, a teenager named, I don't remember his name but that's okay because I remember the other two names who are equally important as the persona in the book but it is a little weird that I can't remember the most important name of all. The persona is a boy who is a wallflower. He doesn't know how to talk to people or make people laugh or fit in or anything like that. He would like to but he just doesn't seem to get noticed by people his age or anyone else from school. Also he is suffering from depression and doesn't seem to be very good at keeping himself in check but things got better once he started seeing people whom he called friends. He was okay for a while as long as his friends were talking to him and making him feel like he was there and that he mattered but once they leave things got bad again. And the book is about him getting from bad to good to great to bad to really bad and to okay again. I know many would not find this very interesting or time-worthy but it feels like a breath of fresh air to me.

  I realized that this is not talking a little about the book but I really like talking about it because it means I don't have to think about other things that might ruin the moment. Maybe I'll just keep talking about the book. I am a fan of Perks because unlike any other movies I've seen with the exception of The Silver Lining's Playbook it feels very raw and weird and real and all over the place in a good way. It's like you never know what is going to happen because in books or movies like these anything can happen and watching or reading them makes me feel like it's true. They can go from happy to rage in a matter of seconds but it happens without making things too crazy for you to understand which is a good thing because I have problem understanding things sometimes. I like the movie version of it because it is absolutely accurate to whatever happens in the book and that isn't something easy to achieve. The actors and actresses who played their part in the movie as the characters from the book did an impressive job. They made it real. They made the book come alive even more than it already is. Also the movie has a great selection of music even though they might not be my favorite genre but they really do bring out a lot from the movie. I don't know how to explain what exactly the soundtrack brings out but it is something amazing and good and it is worth listening to when the movie plays out in front of you.

  I hope that this blog update will not be ridiculed because it takes a lot for someone who doesn't normally talk or think or type like this to talk and think and type like this. I say again how refreshing it is to be able to think in a way that is no where similar to my usual way of thinking. It is refreshing and interesting so I would very much like to do this again. Maybe on my next blog update I would but I promise I won't talk so much on Perks but maybe a little something about me because if you were really interested in Perks you would be searching it up on Google and not reading my update.

Yours truly,

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