Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Free Time For Now

It'll be Thursday tomorrow and i don't have any assignments from school just yet so i have more time on my hands than i ever did, even back when i was caught in the web of the government schooling system. I get off school early on certain days and impossibly late on the rests. I've been contemplating if i should use the remaining hours on the early days to stay back in the school library and be productive. I have one hell of a game face on and i'm quite adamant on turning on a new leaf. I'll be studying for myself and no one else from now on so i better get my ducks in order. As i was saying, since i've got tons of free time this week, what with my morning class tomorrow meaning getting cancelled therefore allowing me to go a little over my bedtime tonight, i'll be on here updating more often although i'm not so sure about what.

Maybe i'll talk about how much effort one has to put into getting the simpler things done in university like getting your lecture and tutorial materials printed or refilling your water bottle or just getting your questions answered because it really does make the system they use in high school sound like sloth paradise when the two level of education get compared. Printing stuff in the uni makes me want to gauge my eyeballs out and eat them because the process not only confuses the crap out of me, it also makes me waste a shit ton of time as if waiting for the lift to bring me up to the 9th floor doesn't already. I literally have to be at school half an hour before classes actually start because it's 15 minutes from the ground floor to the floor you're headed to and another 15 if you get a sudden urge to pee or shit or realize that you missed out a page in your printing materials and make a life-or-death run to the nearest functioning printing machine. And the fact that you have to pay for your own materials is just...WHYYY I'M ALREADY FLIPPING BROKE AND NOW I GOTTA PAY TO DO HOMEWORK AND REVISION TOO??? LIFE IS SO BLOODY CRUEL.

Yeah, yeah. Welcome to the real and adult world, Val. I get it, it's not as easy as i thought it would be but whatever, i'll learn to cope and get through it. It ain't exactly rocket science. There are two units which i'm currently taking, "Academic and Communication Skills" and "Innovation and Change" which i've deemed completely useless units that are only there to have our money wasted on. They're both a really pathetic excuse for the uni to scoop in more money, honestly. Okay, so maybe they aren't all that useless but it really wasn't necessary to have all of us foundation students take them as compulsory units because let's face it, some of us are already downright familiar with ways to deal with people, or how to lead a group or an organization.

I'm tired now and wish to proceed to doing something else other than updating my dumb online journal. Maybe i'll go finish up the fanfiction update that i was supposed to put up about a month ago but couldn't find a right way to end it.

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