Friday, March 14, 2014


  I've been wanting to update for a while now, but things have just been a handful. The first exam of my last high school year is starting tomorrow and i'm extremely under-prepared. Again, there's no one to point the pistol of blame at other than myself, but i don't want me talking about how fucked up i am for my upcoming exam to be the center of my update today. I honestly just want to talk about the tragedy that has struck the world. By the world, i meant my country and China. Who would've thought that Malaysia would acquire overnight fame, but of course it just had to be for the wrong damn reasons. Basically, what happened is that, my country lost a plane of 239 passengers including the flight crew on its journey from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China. Lost how? That is the ever-revolving question around everyone who gives a damn about it right now because it has been almost a week since the plane was last detected and still, there isn't a single soul out there who has confirmed info on what exactly happened. There are theories, of course, as to what might have happened to the plane. The more logical ones would be the plane has crashed landed into the sea, or the plane has been hijacked by people for God knows what reason and had long landed at some secret hideout. Personally, i would like to believe that the Boeing 777 has been taken over by someone else other than the assigned pilots because that scenario would at least give a chance of survival to the remaining passengers. If the plane had crashed into the sea, chances of the victims surviving would just be non-existent because it's not just a day or two anymore, it has been a week. 8/10 human beings would not be able to survive off-land without food or clean water for 5 days and it has almost been a week. This isn't Life of Pi, this is a matter of 239 souls. This is a matter of the broken hearts of the family and friends of the 239 souls.

  When i first heard the news, i was surprised but i did not look any further into the matter as i thought it was just a news error. I mean, hello, it's Malaysia. The land of peace and unity. Shit like that don't happen here. And honestly, it really rare does. So when my friends told me, "hey a Malaysian plane went missing", i kind of shrugged it off and thought nothing much about it. Obviously i had not yet grasp on the gravity of the situation. When i got home, and was free of all stressful things in life, i got curious and finally decided to look it up. To say that i was on the verge of an anxiety attack as i read the news update about the issue on BBC would be the understatement of the year. With every word and information that gathered in my head, my breath got heavier and heavier until it became so intense that i had to put my phone down and tried not to pull a Carrie in my bed room. It was horrible. The pictures of family crying and screaming and waiting helplessly. The more you looked at them, the more you wanted to be bail out of life because you could feel your tears forming behind your eyes, and your heart breaking inside you, knowing that theirs were already broken. The wait was the worse. Scars heal with time, but only when you've found closure. The families and friends of the people involved could only wait and wait and wait, struggling to hold onto that thin piece of thread with hopes that the ones they hold so close to their hearts were safe and sound. It made the air so hard to be breathed in. It made the world look sick, cruel and evil. It made life into something worth hating on.

  I prayed for them. I prayed that others would pray for them as well because they need it. It's the only thing we as bystanders can do. It's not much, and obviously it isn't enough to help, but i really do hope that all things good find their way to the lives of these people. These sad and broken people. I wish there was something else we could do other than waiting for news updates on the radio and holding on to prayer beads every night before sleeping. Something that could help make a difference. Something that could stop the pain. Something that could miraculously make everything alright again. Pray for MH370. Pray for the friends and families of the passengers of MH370. Just pray.

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