Saturday, July 14, 2012

Miss Negative Nancy

Sigh, i really don't know what to say about myself right now. I don't know why, but i've caught the 'pessimistic bug' over the past two years. I didn't used to be like this, i was cheerful, well, more cheerful than the person that i am now. I was that i-couldn't-care-less kid a few years back, and i wonder to myself sometimes, where did that part of me gone to? Some say that it's because i'm FINALLY growing up, but i don't think growing up consists of having a negative look about everything because that's exactly how i am! Everyday, i have people constantly reminding me how enormous a negative Nancy i am. It bugs me, knowing that i'm this pathetic pessimistic kid in others' eyes. Yes, i know, one shouldn't have to care so much about other people's opinion, but let's be realistic here, who wouldn't? At one point in life, we'll hesitate about what we're gonna do because our mind gets worried about what people might think of it.

Hahaha, i'm not gonna lie, i've always been this insecure little gal who gives too much of a damn about what people think of me and my actions. Oh God, i sound so pathetic. I think i might be feeling sympathy for myself. Okay, so let's just take this as a one-update-pity-party yea?

Damn, my life, it's pretty messed up huh? Everything's all over the place. Nothing's on its right track. And i don't have the slightest idea on how to put them things back to where they should be. Well, management has never been my field of expertise, or my mother's for the matter LOL. Anyways, i don't think i should be complaining about my life because, there really is nothing much to yap about. I'm just being really...idk. I mean, things could've been worse, right? One thing i've learnt from my fifteen years of life is whenever i feel like complaining about really sensitive subs, i let my mind go on automatic mode and think of one thing and one thing only, THINGS COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE. I guess it's my way to make me feel a tiny bit better. So, i think i've discovered the meaningful phrases in my life. First, THINGS COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE. Second, I KNOW I'M GOOD AT SOMETHING, I JUST HAVEN'T FOUND IT YET. 


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