Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Music Is My Life

Let's talk about music, shall we? Music, is basically the second most important thing in life for me, coming right behind food. It's important to me because it helps me understand things better in life and know what other people may be going through as you know, music is another way of expressing the emotions that are too hard to be shown through mere talking. I wish i could write songs and shit to express how i feel, but NOOO, i wasn't bestowed with the song-writing talent. So what do i do? I listen to other people's music that i may or may not be able to relate to. My fav bands are Simple Plan, Mayday Parade, Daughtry and All Time Low, but mostly it's just SP and MP.

Simple Plan is a Canadian punk-rock band. Although i must say, their latest songs aren't very punky no more, but i still dig them nevertheless. I don't think i really like punk but i fell deeply for their lyrics. I find them very straightforward and easy to relate to because their older albums are mostly about teen angst. Their first few albums touched on how miserable life can be for some teens and that some of us are trying our best to get through it and to show others that we are able to do it. I was able to relate my own life to their songs, and that was basically the main reason why SP has always been my favorite band since i heard one of their songs on the radio, whether i realized it or not. SP's latest album Get Your Heart On! is a more mature and evolved album in my opinion as they started to do more songs about love and all, but wherever they're headed, i'll always believe in them and their music.

Mayday Parade is actually a new band to me. I didn't know about them until recently, unlike SP which i've started listening to ever since my younger days, but wow, Mayday have surprised me. I'm the type who judge things, especially music easily during my first time of listening to a new song. So when i was introduced to Three Cheers For Five Years by Mayday Parade, i wasn't very stoked about the song. I listened to it, didn't quite like it, and so i left it hanging there. A couple of weeks later, i come back and re-listened to the song and i found that it wasn't as bad as i thought i was during the first time. I begun checking out more of MP's music and discovered a new band to fawn over. They're a rock band which revolve their music around the struggles to survive in life, love for friends and of course, lovers. Also, their lyrics are just...AWESOME. They're true, strong, sweet, romantic, sad and can be quite sarcastic when intended. The lead singer, Derek Sanders, have a mesmerizing voice that suits both acoustic and rock sound which i love. Together with the rest of the band, they make great music to my ears.

The American rock band from North-Carolina, Daughtry, gives out a very rock-ish and sometimes country-ish sound in the music that they make. Their lyrics too are powerful and touching. The lead singer, Chris Daughtry, writes lyrics that almost always relates to his love for his family and hometown. It's always something about going home and love in family. Ahhhh, so goddamn meaningful. Most of my friends don't really find Daughtry a good band but whatever, it's my music anyways. I don't find the need to share if people don't appreciate it the way i do, but thank God, my brother doesn't find them as annoying as my friends do. He actually likes them as much as i do and i bet it's because of the super  hard-rock-ish sound that they've got in them. Anyways, Daughtry taught me to never forget about my hometown and family should always comes first. Daughtry's music is where meaningful is.

And then there's All Time Low. Hahaha, i look at them as my happy band because of the funny and sarcastic lyrics that they have. In my opinion, ATL is the only band i've known so far that is able to come out with what i'd like to call 'smart lyrics'. They're sarcastic, funny as hell and they make sense too! SUPER COMBO RIGHT THERE. They're a band that showed me not to take things too seriously and it's cool to have fun with things. I mean, just look at the way their lyrics are. Hahaha, they are 'DA BOMB' and their music amuses me a lot. A LOT. I just love the way their sarcastic lyrics are, but they can be serious when they want to be too. Sometimes, they have songs with lyrics so deep that i need to occasionally consult Google or my friends to help me try to decipher it and most of the time after i get what they're saying, i understand the true meaning of 'touched to the core'. The lyrics are so strong, so deep...GENIUS! A band with a mixture of humor and...depth? LOL they just really know how to make great music.


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