Sunday, July 22, 2012

Writing Music Again. FAILING

As you can see from the title, yes, i've been trying to tap into that 'poetic' side of me to write some lyrics again. And i failed. Aww, don't worry, i'm so used to failure in that that it's nothing to me anymore. I mean every time i try, i fail, not epic-ally though. I don't understand the term 'epic fail' that seems to be everywhere right now. I get it when people sometimes have an epic failure when they're trying to do something, but people nowadays use 'epic fail' to describe everything. The other day, my friend threw a book at me and told me to catch it, but i didn't because it caught me by surprise and i wasn't ready. And there was this friend of mine who saw everything and said 'EPIC FAIL MAN'. And i was thinking, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU MEAN BY EPIC FAIL? What's so epic about me not being able to catch a book that was thrown my way? Our actions weren't funny, so why the hell is it an epic failure? Argh.

Oh as usual, i go off topic. But anyways, YEAH I STILL CAN'T MAKE MUSIC. OR NICE, POETIC PHRASES. They say we need to be inspired or sometimes we just get it, y'know. Sadly, i don't have whatever that needs to be gotten. Ehhh what am i typing here? I have no idea, really. And just so you know, lyrics-writing is just for fun, hahaha and i shouldn't be thinking of music at this time of the year 'cause my big exam's almost here and i haven't really studied much yet. Got tonnes to cover. And hopefully, i get them all done with some time to spare. Wish me luck, though i'm probably the only one reading this. Okay. Peace

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