Saturday, May 10, 2014


  Alright, i did say i was going to tell you more about my newly found love towards f(x) so here it is. When the day i happen to fall out of love with f(x), hopefully i'll come back, read this post and remember what is it about f(x) that i love so much; so much that i stopped being anti-Kpop(sorry for being a judgmental bitch). Firstly, i'll talk about the root of my f(x) love. How did i find out about f(x)? Hmm, i was actually online, scrolling through twitter and whatnot when i stumbled upon something Asian that looked like it could be something interesting. It was actually about a ship, or an OTP(one-true pairing) of two members of f(x)-- Amber and Krystal.

  Their ship was named 'KryBer' or 'Amstal' but the first one was more widely used compare to the other one. So, i clicked on the link and began my journey of shipping 'Kryber' the hardcore way. I'm not joking, by the way, when i say "hardcore" because i really am a hardcore Kryber fan. How hardcore? Well. There's the constant need to search up the net for links with the Kryber tags. I read fanfictions, stalk tumblr and twitter pages made in the name of Krystal and Amber's "love". Now, this might not seem very extreme from the way i put it but trust me, it was pretty radical. I did this everyday. Like, from Monday to Sunday of every week since they day i discovered about them. I did it when i got up in the morning, before i go to school, after i got back from school, as i'm eating dinner, shitting in the toilet and just whatever time when i'm not at school or at tuition. It became more than a routine, it became a need; a want; something i had to do or else i'd spend the day going cuckoo. So, maybe i went a little overboard with the ship, but it couldn't be helped. I really was, what's a less impacting word for "obsessed"? Okay, maybe there isn't a word for it. Right, so i was obsessed. Really, truly obsessed.

  During my super-obsessed period over Kryber(still obsessed but not as cray-cray no more), i thought maybe i should check out their music since you know, they are part of a dance/music group. So i did. And i didn't like what i found. Again, i say i didn't exactly know what i was expecting but still, i guess i had wished for something different, much, much more different than what they actually were. I listened to their more popular hits, watching music videos of them dancing around in silly Kpop backgrounds and wearing even crazier outfits. I really didn't find what they were singing or dancing about anywhere near likable. Honestly, they were as dumb as i pegged Kpop to be. So, i stopped trying to get myself to watch their music videos, fully convinced that they were in no way any different than the other Kpop groups that annoyed the crap out of me.

  Then, everything changed when i made the last effort to check out videos that related to them. They were a part of this, reality TV show thing where they were filmed during their vacation in New Zealand. There were tons of videos of the TV episodes on Youtube, and well, i actually only watched it at first because there were Kryber moments in them, but i watched them nevertheless. At first, i only watched the ones specifically edited to show cast Kryber moments and Kryber moments only, but that was when i discovered something phenomenal. It never stroke me, but who knew the rest of the members were so hilarious? Watching the Kryber-cut episodes, i grew extremely fond of how the members acted around one another. I was constantly amused and entertained at the way they talked and treated each other throughout the episodes.

  It wasn't long before i finished the Kryber-cut episodes and went for the real thing. I watched the entire installation of Amazing f(x), that's the name of the show and well, that was probably the best decision made in my life. From watching their interactions, i fell in love with the members of f(x). I fell in love with every single one of them-- Amber, Krystal, Luna, Sulli and Victoria. When i first knew about Kryber, i didn't really know them. I mean, i know of them but that's it. I never really bothered to understand them better. As i watched more and more of the episodes, i found them extremely different from how my head had previously perceived them as. I love them because they were like family. I never thought that a Kpop girl group could actually get so close, so attached to one another. I guess they just felt real, and that's what i love about them.
Like, you can tell that they actually care and like one another a lot more than other groups. It could be just me, but that's what i really love about them-- their relationship with each other.

  Yeah, so i fell in love with their family-like bond. And the fact that Krystal and Amber were fluent English speakers and quite Westernized was a bonus. Actually, it was a HUGE bonus because that was what made me so interested in their ship in the first place. I was surprised by their American way and loved it whenever the spoke in English. It became something i looked forward to whenever i watch their videos and stuff. Victoria, the leader of the group, is Chinese. Amber is too although she can't really speak it, but it made me like them even more. They are such an interesting combo-- three Koreans and two Chinese. They spoke all kinds of globalized language so it was easy for us fans to feel more connected to them.

  So, after all that, i went to listen to their music again and the weirdest thing happened. It grew on me. Their dance moves, their catchy choruses that meant nothing but gibberish to me actually grew on me! I found myself hooked on the music videos, always watching it and rewatching it and never really getting bored with it. It's crazy. I liked them so much i even tried to learn a couple of moves but of course that failed because i couldn't dance to save my life. So, i downloaded their videos and songs into my phone, laptop, iPod and yeah, i'm still listening to them ever since. They kind of make me happy. It's weird, i know. I don't even like happy songs but here i am, bopping my head and moving my body to the beat of their songs.

  This has been a really long post, but seriously though i love f(x). I love their bond, their uniqueness, their concept(not really), just them in general. I love Kryber even more. I read about them, i stalk their news and yeah just whatever, i'm delusional like the rest of the Kryber fandom. I also write about them ahah yeah i know, who knew i'd actually write fanfictions about Kpop people, but i love them. I love Amber. I love Krystal. I love Amber and Krystal together. They're just i don't know, so real?

  They make me happy so be it. Right. So this should be the end of this long-ass post. I feel like there's a lot more i wanna talk about f(x), like their personalities and such but i'm tired and it could literally go on forever. Just know that right now, the most important things to me are Mayday Parade and f(x). They're such a contrast but they make my life a little better than it is. Peace.

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