Saturday, July 29, 2017

Heading to No. 8

She's gone. I've gone through almost eight months without her. Will I ever forget the date 4.1.17? I can't exactly say that I didn't see this coming. I saw the break-up coming even though I wouldn't have known, ever, that I'd be the one to cut final ties with her. I wouldn't have known either, about the amount of hurt, sadness, torment that came with ending us. Nothing that detailed can ever be predicted. Pain isn't something we can predict.

Let me make one thing clear. Although I was the one who left, I was in no way, the one who broke us up. No, that one's completely on her. Just because I was the one who left in the end, it doesn't mean I was the one who let go. She let go of me long before. Even if she doesn't see it, doesn't believe it, I see everything for what they are now. She let me go.

It's fine. We didn't have a future together anyways. How could we? Something so cannot sustain life. It cannot and will not sustain us. This is for the best.

I believe she may be happy now, what with a new boyfriend and all while I sit here struggling to find love for myself. Love that I so easily and generously offered her, but couldn't do the same for myself. Funny way to go about things, eh? I'll keep trying. I don't know if she's capable of love. True love at least. But I do wish her well...on one condition.

She learns to treat people the way they deserve to be treated. She learns to see her flaws. She learns to accept another person's differences. She learns to love the way she is loved. If she still can't do this, then by all means, go ahead and fuck yourself.

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