Monday, December 3, 2012

Freakin' Mistakes

  Never before have i realized how much mistakes i've been making lately, grammatically speaking. It kills me to say that my English standard has dropped a lot, and who do i have to thank for that? Not my English teacher at school, of course. No, she's just...awesome and totally teacher-of-the-year material. Yeah, totally. So, if you happen to spot any grammar or vocab errors in any of my updates, point them out if you like because reading my blog has been a total sore-eye for me. Everywhere my pupils go, they're always there, the errors. Ugh just get away from me.

  Hmm, so PMR's over. Yep, should've posted something about it like a month ago, but this holiday's pretty packed for me. So many k-dramas, so little time. Don't get me wrong, i'm still not a fan of all that korean BS but damn, they really know how to shoot their dramas. So yes, i'm hooked on it like a Cocaine, but i didn't used to though, just fyi. I'm a hugeeee fan of Park Shin Hye, a korean actress. She's kind of like my latest lezbo celeb crush? Anyways, it's been about a month since pmr, and yes, i've had tons of fun during my post-pmr period, but all that's gonna end soon.

  Mehhh, i'm just really bored right now. I'm supposed to be asleep already, cause it's gonna a full day for me tomorrow but i. just. can't. There are so many other things to do other than sleep. I like the night, it's very inspirational and calming. Okay, so that's about it. I have not touched my guitar in a long while and weird enough, my fingers have not been itching like they should. No complaints whatsoever. Is this me growing weary of it? I sincerely hope not. Btw, i just got back from camp three days ago and i'm leaving for another one the day after tomorrow. Talk about a hectic schedule. Where's my breathing time? Peace.

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