Saturday, October 13, 2012

Still In PMR Process

  It hasn't ended yet, this exam of mine. The week didn't exactly past as fast as i hoped it would. Instead, it pretty much just crawled. Anyways, most of my exam papers are over and done with but i've still got KHB, Maths and Chinese to handle next week. Three subs which i am the least confident with. I know, i know, maths should be easy, like swimming in the kids' pool, but noooooo, not to me. I used to be okay with it, and then the numbers hooked up with them alphabets and before you know it, they got themselves tons of complicated-ass babies of number and letters mixed together. Oh, it's a bitch to do.

  And then there's KHB. It sounds so easy to everyone else, but it's subject that i'm the least fond of. I guess the reason behind my hatred towards it is because i never really paid much attention to it. I just assumed it was hard and never tried to improve my KH skills and knowledge. Well, i saw no point it in it anyways. Hate that sub. I HATE THAT SUB. But of course, if i had to choose between Chinese and that, i'd choose THAT over Chinese. Yeah, all in a heartbeat. It's not that i hate Chinese (hello, Chinese descendant here so can't really hate the thing), but it gets really challenging to learn and all. Yea, i don't like Chinese very much either.

  But oh god, i can't say i'm going bezerk over next week's paper, but i'm not exactly calm either. I totally wasted my weekend doing...everything unrelated to studying. I acted like the whole damn examination was already over. Okay, i hope that i'd get the mood and determination to study tomorrow, in hopes that i don't B any of the subs on Monday. Oh God, i really need the A's, man. A'ight, i'm turning in. Peace. AND STUDY VAL STUDY YOUR ASS OFF TOMORROW BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET.

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