Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hmm, just checking in?

    So, my exam's starting in two week's time and guess what? I haven't started much yet. I should be rushing my ass off right now, but i really wish i could. REALLY. For the past week, nothing really happened much. Oh, there is actually something worth posting about. Last week, i was informed that members of St. John A. from my school will be having our 'raking interview' on Saturday, which is actually yesterday. Everyone was so excited, including me of course. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's something like a promotion. There's Lan Koperal, Koperal and Sarjan. I typed it out in BM because, well, that's what it's called over here. But i know it's not what they call in other places. Due to the lack of active Form 4 members this year to fill the Committee board of SJA, they pulled in most of the active Form 3s to help out. And when i said 'most', i meant it. We were given posts in the committee board and blablablalba...

   If you're wondering what post am i holding, forget about it 'cause i won't be telling. Unless you already know then no need. LOL. Anyways, so most of the form 3s are going for the rank of Lans Koperal, but with the exception of a few others. SPECIAL OTHERS jkjkjk. I think, about five of us were chosen to go for koperal? Hmm, doesn't really matter anyways. To me, the ranks are just for show. Kay, not to be a show-off or anything, then again, i don't really care what people think anymore since the world is coming to an end soon in the near future, um, as i was saying, not to be complete show-off, but i was one of the five to go for koperal at the age of 15. YEAH YEAH GO SCRAEM VAL HAOLIAN LAH. My life is hopefully no way affected, i hope. So, joining me was Kim, Jia Hao, Wayne, Michelle and who was the other one...? Chotto-mate, that's all LOL. We were like kinda shocked and stuff. Plus, i think it's rather unfair to y'know have this ranking thing like this and ,dfnslnflafa;fk;, i know i'm mumbling.

  On the night of Friday, we went for an overnight stay at the HQ. What the hell. i just re-read what i typed, 'on the night of friday' BAHAHA. Okay, so, overnight, RIGHT. Most of us went because we wanted to be fully prepared for the next day's interview while SOME of us went just to have a sleepover with friends. SOME OF US(pssst, this guy over here!). We had a discussion about the interview that night that lasted till like 1 in the morning...? Not sure 'bout the time but it was sometime after midnight, I THINK. We were all tired, well, i don't know about the others but i was donkey-ass beat. And as everyone knows, i'm weak and blablabla so i couldn't really y'know stand to be all energetic that late at night. I was moping around, dragging my feet with me wherever i went. I looked pretty wasted if others hadn't known better.

  When they gave us the greenlight to hit the hays, or sleeping bags, i was thanking the God up above. When i laid down in my giant caccoon, or however it's spelled, i couldn't sleep. It was soft, warm and comfy but damn, it wasn't my time to lose consciousness just yet. I ended up projecting images of what may possibly be happening in the interview in my head with my eyes closed. Yeah, i do that a lot, especially when sleep is out of reach. But sleep finally opened a door for me at about 2 a.m. I slept but i woke up several times throughout the night, morning...nightning.

  Moving on, i was the first to awaken in my room. It was around 5am when my eyelids flustered open. I laid down for another half an hour before getting up to my feet and to the washroom to clean my teeth and face. After brushing, i woke the others up, i think. We went for breakfast at 6...? We came back, switched clothing, tidied ourselves up for the interview and arrival of our interviewer. We had our black and white uniforms, the females had the head gear which pretty much resembles what nurses wear on their heads, and guys had their forest cap. Blablabla, the arrival happened. Mosquitoes were everywhere, feeding off our blood. The interview started at about 9 and ended at 1 something. Maybe the longest hours of my life. I won't go into details of the interview because wow, just look at this update. It looks like an entire essay that we write in school. God, i needa shut up.

  What to do. I have too much to say. I'm a man...woman...girl.. of many words. Um so PEACE. Oh, everyone passed the interview and got their ranks. HOORAH :D

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