Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year : The Dragon Year

Today's the second day of Chinese New Year, which is the Water Dragon year this year. I have no idea about the water dragon, but what i do know is that it's that time of the year again for kids to go around town visiting family and friends while receiving a little red packet known as 'ang pow' among the Chinese. I didn't really go out much this year as most of my relatives aren't here and those who are, they're either gone or beyond contacting. So, i guess i'm spending my Chinese New Year at home with my family.

When people come for a visit at my house, i welcome them with open arms. Why? Because they've got what every kid wants during this time of the year, RED PACKETS! But whatever the amount is in the red packets, it's the thought that counts. Wish i had more to talk about CNY, but unfortunately there's nothing much to say. There ain't much activities happening for me this year. Plus, CNY feels weird this year. My mom said that it was because i was being a Negative Nancy again and that my pessimistic nature is making me think that CNY would be boring this year.

IDK. It just feels kinda off, y'know? Um, well, yeap. That's it then for today's update on my very boring life. Who the hell even reads this anyways? LOL

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