Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Ringkas Exam and SOME OTHER ISSUES

Gosh, i did so bad that i don't even wanna talk about it. I am nothing but a weakling. I always fall sick at the most critical times of my life. ALWAYS. During competitions, exams..i'm always there with a pale face and clammy skin. Stupid immune system. White blood cells, Y U NO DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY?! I don't wanna go into details about how i performed in my exam, it's just heartbreaking. Well, it's over now anyways. I still have more to come in the very near future. There's really no time left for me to be a kid anymore, i just hope that i can mature quickly enough before the BIG test comes knocking down my door. I need to work harder, i have to do what i can to do better or else.

No matter what i have to go through with life, never once did i say i hate life. 'Hate' is a very big and powerful word to use and i don't think i'm capable of using it. There are other people in the world who are suffering more than anyone could imagine and they don't hate life. Those who are handicapped, not all of them go around hoping that they'd get hit by a truck or get struck by lighting. In fact, it's the other way around. They actually love and cherish each moment of their life though they have every reason to hate it, but they just don't. And here, i keep hearing people with lives that only the poor and the suffering could only dream of, complain about how bad, suckish, miserable and all those pessimistic words their life is, when the truth is their life is what a lot of people would die for. DON'T THEY UNDERSTAND THAT NOT EVERYONE IS AS LUCKY AS THEY ARE?

Will it kill them to shut up and just cherish what they have? There isn't a thing that they do have and yet, it doesn't seem to be enough for them. Greedy, ungrateful bastards. They tell everyone that 'i hate life. i wish i could die. i wish i was never even born' when there's nothing wrong with the life that they lead. And when others try to tell them that there are others who are in worse situations than they are, they bitch up and scream at people's faces, 'YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO GO THROUGH. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING SO YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY SHIT.'

Well, guess what, hon? I don't have everything. And so do you, but at least you have something. People out there, they don't have anything at all. What they crave for is love, warmth and a normal life, while you have a family that loves you and will always be there for you, and yet what do you say? You hate them. You wish your parents were dead? Why don't you, idiot, take a good look at life from a different angle? Do you think you're more miserable than those who are dying of hunger because they can't afford to buy food while you get it for free because you have people to support you?

Do yourself a favor, slap you face till you wake up and smell the roses, or your blood. You'll see how wrong you were for being so ungrateful and childish. GROW UP. Nothing revolves around you. You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need. And trust me, that's more than enough already. Not everyone is as lucky as you are. You might pretend and lie that you have problems in life that others wouldn't understand in front of people just so you can say you hate life and wanna die, but you can't lie to yourself and to Him. He knows all that you do and you too.

So, stop hating life when there's nothing to hate. You'll end up dead for the wrong reasons and you'll regret it. DEFINITELY REGRET.


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