Friday, January 7, 2011

7/1/11 The Future...Uh huh

Alright, this time, the future. Hmm... i wonder about the future like, more than half of my awake time, so basically you can tell that i'm sort of jumpy about it, especially when my english teacher brought up the subject in class about our future occupation. The word 'future' is something that i doubt even fortune tellers can be sure that it's gonna happen. Sure, there people who can see the future. Yea, i believe them. But, guys, do you really believe that everything in the future will REALLY happen? It's just a possibility. There are always options, for sure. Nobody ever said that the future is permanent, that it simply can't be changed. It can change, as long as you want it too, but of course, with efforts.

So, back to the story. I felt more alert than ever when Mdm. Loh, enligsh teacher, said 'future job'. I looked up at her and widen my eyes. She asked us what do we dream of doing, what's our future job gonna be. I backed myself into deep thoughts again, thinking about what i would be doing in another 10 years. Maybe a doctor? Lawyer? Scientist? Then, Mdm. Loh said something that stirred me up. "Maybe something extraordinary, out of the box?" she suggested.

And that led me back into my thoughts. Something out of the box? Like an animal instructor? Or a farmer? An ice-cream man perhaps? Weird, but extraordinary, like Mdm. Loh said. Those could have been great choices except for one tiny problem...they are not in my interest. Yes, I want an out of the world job. But no, I don't want an out of the world job if i dread every moment of it. So, the solution? Find an out of the world job that amazes me. How hard can that be? Well, it probably will be the closest to not so possible. I mean, a job will be a job, as long as it pays.

But, maybe i could get one that i actually enjoy. Like what? An Anthropologist? A forensic scientist? Maybe even a shrink? The problem with that is it's too hard. Too complicated. Everything about it speaks confusing. So, what else is there for me?

10 years.. it's not really gonna take a long time to reach me. I do hope i'll think of something for my future job. Crossing my fingers about it.

May my stupidity lead the way and guide me through....everything, if it's not that much to ask.

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