Sunday, November 14, 2010

Going against Mom

When I was 9, I visited my mom's friend's house. It's actually a miracle that I can still remember the details of that day. Why? My answer is because that day sort of changed my way of thinking. I remembered that I was sitting on the couch in her house at that time while my mom was busy talking with her friends. I was bored and lonely at that time so I looked around the place and something caught my eye from the corner of the room. It was solidly laying there and it looked kind of new. What was it? I went over and took up the brownish instrument. Yes, it was a guitar. I have not the slightest idea what kind, but it looked country. I brought it over to the couch and begun to play with it. I strung out some tunes quietly so that no one would know. Hey, I was young and didn't know nothing about persmissions on taking others' stuff.

So, as i was saying, I played with it and I found it super interesting and calming. The more I played with it, the more i feel like i had a new hobby or even a new dream. I wanted to play more of it, but before I could even satisfied with the guitar, my mom literally pulled or rather dragged me away from the instrument though I whined and cried. We went straight home after that. I just couldn't stop thinking about how happy I was when I played with a complicated instrument like that. Everyday after that wonderful day, I the thought of the guitar just failed to exit my mind, not even once. A week after that, I summoned all my courage to ask my mom to buy one for me.

I guess it just wasn't my lucky day. When mom heard me mention the word 'guitar', she simply shook her head and lectured me about music learning, about how much time and money it wastes. She just won't listen to any of my explanations. I fought my hardest to keep the tears from streaming down my face as I slowly nodded my head understandingly. I kept my head down all the way, afraid of looking into my mom's eyes. Later, I went up to my room and told myself that one day, mom would understand. One day, when I'm older, I would show mom how important that instrument and music is to me, and then she would finally see clearly what and who i really am.

Time passed year by year and surprisingly, i became an average student at school and was even active in sports, especially badminton, but i have to admit, i was never very consistant towards it. I would attend trainings and practised as hard as i could and when i was so close to becoming very good, I just stopped. When I stopped, it wasn't just a matter of a day or two. It would always be months, and now, half a year. I dunno why, but i just lost my interest in it. Once, badminton was a part of me, something that would fill the empty parts of my heart and make me complete, but somehow, it just fell apart one day. There is really no one to blame, but myself.
I stopped badminton though my family did not show an approving side. I figured that one of the possible reasons why I stopped was because of my interests in other sports like, table tennis and basketball. Basketball is my favourite sport too. I wanted to join the school team after I won my school's inter-class basketball competition, but my hopes fell into the drain when my family gave me a staright to the point answer which was 'NO'. I had to say i took it real hard as i was rather in love with that sport. Anyway, i was sort of banned from playing basketball outside my house, so i had to bare through the pain of not being able to play for months.

The banning of that slowly disappeared as the months went by and i continued playing again. LOL.

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