Monday, November 14, 2011

Prayer Heard!

I've been praying really hard lately, and there are tonnes of reason why. First, my grades. Second, personal needs. Not exactly a lot, but well, i don't think that my prayers deserved to be heard, but now that it has been, i'm sooooo grateful!

If you've been keeping tabs on my absolutely boring blog, you'd know that i'm not what you'd call a, responsible, mature, hardworking and smart person. I'm more to the opposite of all that. The grades for my last term are rubbish. And since then, i've been trying really hard to get back on track. I pray a lot, and read a lot, though most of the time i get distracted and well, y'know lah. So, when i got the results for my end of the year exam, i was not disappointed at all. I improved. I got better results and i felt good. I knew that it was God who was looking after me, guiding me through my test. I thanked him, and of course continued praying for something else that i've been wanting since FOREVER.

I prayed for years that God would grant me a guitar. And well, I WAITED. WAITED FOR A LONG TIME. I prayed everyday and asked for this wish of mine to come true. And y'know what, after my exam, my grandma said that she'd get me a guitar! I was over the moon and was on cloud nine for a loooong time. And then, the moment came. Two days ago, which was a Sunday, my grandma bought me to Lepo Music Store and got me an acoustic guitar! Even though i have not the slightest idea on how to play it, but i can learn :D

And so, i got a sleek black one. StarSun's the brand. It was a beginner's guitar. It originally was a reddish-brown one, but then i asked for a switch to black one. I wanted a blue one, but there was only so many things a person can ask for. I came back home with a huge smile on my face, and the guitar in it's gig bag, strapped to my back. I was given two picks for free, one black colored and the other, rainbow-ish. I'm using the black one more often as it's sharper and i dunno, more comfy? I'm just happy that i got my guitar. I'm a lucky kid, and i know that :)

Thanks, God, for everything.
May you continue guiding me through life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Exam's OVER

Hey, hey, hey :D exam has been over about a week ago and we still gotta go to school, which is absolutely pointless. What do we do at school? Anything BUT study. More than half of my class brought cards to play and the rest of it, well, they're either playing hand games or reading. I myself have been playing cards too at school. Hahaha

Anyways, i ditched school today because it would be a total bore. And then, i've been doing some thinking. I haven't exactly been doing my very best in my studies this year. So, i promised myself that next year, i'll toughen up and improve. My grandma has been pressuring me about the future, again. She asked me what field would i like to study when i graduate, and i was thinking 'i'm not even sure i would graduate'. Truth be told, i wanna study psychology. I love learning about how people, human's mind work, like what makes them do what they do. Those kinda things interest me lots. I guess this field is a bit related to criminology, and i love crime. Hahaha. And i won't mind studying about them.

But the problem is that these are not normal field. And they're not exactly an ideal field of study. I mean, what are the occupations that one who studies psychology can have? A psychologist, or a therapist? Those are the only ones. Also, a lecturer of psychology studies if you prefer. But, that's all. Because it's so limited, i don't think it's ideal for me to get into them. but i don't really want to study about law, business or biology, science or whatever. THEY BORE ME.

Aww man, what the hell am i supposed to do? I know i still have like tonnes of time, but i don't know. I guess i'm just worried. The future can't be planned. Argh, how much i hate surprises