Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Mmm. I hate the feeling of not being able to feel anything. It's like my heart's kinda empty but whenever i try to fill in some things, it just doesn't work. Kinda like eating chilies which are super spicy and still not rushing to your water bottle after that. Why do i feel empty? 'Cause i have nothing more important in life to feel about, right now. LOL. Actually, i do have...something in life that i really feel heavy about. It's always in my mind, probably even half of my awake time. No kidding. But, it's kinda a stupid thing. Yea, it's what most people my age have, but...i just... Okay, it's hard for me as i... hmm.. i have no words to describe how depressed, empty, and how excited i am. They're all mixed feelings. How am i supposed to feel right if i can feel almost anything...? Gawd, help me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

O.O test time

After all those years of spending time on stupid things which i shall not name, I've finally found that time is going really fast. A bit too fast. And it won't stop, no matter how hard i tend to get down to my knees and plead. I'm serious. Don't believe me? FINE, I'll supply you with an example.

Just few weeks ago, people in school mentioned about the upcoming 'Ringkasan' test. Right then, it seemed like there's still a hell lot of time before it actually arrives. Who knew that even before i know it, it was already knocking down my door and i only have three more days before it really reaches me. And guess what? I haven't even started really study yet. Yea, of course i studied now and then. But those were just 'studying', not that kind of 'studying studying'. Most of the time, my 'studyingx2' is pushed to the far end of my mind and only reappear when the test is near, as in like the next day.

I'm more of a last minute person, so yea. I'm not as nervous about this upcoming test, whatever the reason. AND THAT'S ABNORMAL. Even for a freako like me, as you know. I'm never the one who can keep cool when there's a blackout. So, for most of my past test, I freaked, had numerous meltdowns, but still went through the test with an ache in the pit of my tummy.

Okay, I've simply ran out of things to say so I'll stop right here. Wish me luck for my test. May my stupidity guide me to the right way