Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yes. I've finally changed my email add after a year of not being able to access my old account. It's now So, what happened today? Well, i went for the second time to the SJAKHS First Aid Course. I didn't have to go, but knowing me, i can't pass up the chance to go. Sad to say, St john activities practically took my holiday away. Almost everyday was filled with st john. GREAT. JOY.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE ST JOHN A. Just that, it takes a lot of time that i want to myself. Haha. I need my personal place too y'know. SO, i'm going away to Fun Day Camp on the fifth of next month. I missed the chance to go last year, all because i wanted to watch Ghost Whisperer.

Tired. Peace

Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Semester Exam

Aiyaiyai. Exam, again! This time, it's not just an exam. It's THE exam. They're four exams in total throughout the year in school, and two out of them are THE exam where if you don't get good grades, all you're getting after that is rice with yam, nothing more. To me, that is the worst meal that i could think of. This is the um, fourth day of the exam. And did i mention that today is a SATURDAY?! And yet, we fellow Highians still have to go to school to attend the exam that everyone was dreading.

Today, i had art and history test. The art theory has 20 questions and i only knew how to do number 0. yes, i 'eenie meeniee minee mo-ed' for all 20 of 'em. As for history, 60 questions and mostly was like 'I didn't learn this!!!'. LOL. It's easy when you actually did learn, and put your heart and soul in it. Unlike me, i just studies yesterday night and for only an hour. I scrolled through the rest of it this morning for an hour too. Yes, i know. LAST MINUTE. It's a risk, but it's me.

So, this week was mostly paper two's. Next week shall be objective questions. The pressure is on, again. If this exam does not turn out well, good-bye to all things that make me happy. My mom and her rules.

Sigh. Stupidity, please lead me to where God would